Almut Linde: Radical Beauty
Viewing the world we look at patterns and structures. Our experiences determine the way we perceive life, but also leave room for prejudices and stereotypes. Almut Linde (1965 in Lübeck, Germany) is interested in those patterns in order to reorganise them. She shows the favourite cow in industrial livestock farming, the quietness of a slaughterhouse, the romantic view of a landscape destroyed by open-cast mining or the impressive colouring of fertiliser. With enthusiasm Linde changes contexts: she commands soldiers to see an exhibition and sends circus acrobats to the museum. What happens if we change our perspective? What do we do with radical beauties that open to us or with the beauty of the radical?
Under the title Dirty Minimal the concept artist, photographer and sculptress Almut Linde developed an own interpretation of Minimal Art already in the 1990s that focuses on the everyday and the overlooked. For that purpose she connects methods of Minimal Art with socio-political content and allusions to romantic image concepts.
The exhibition Almut Linde: Radical Beauty is part of an international cooperation project. Seven exhibitions in total examine the extensive work of Almut Linde from different perspectives.